Crawling back to Ratpoison

Now that I've successfully ooed and awed everyone I know with Compiz/Beryl, it's time to cut the fat, go back to basics and increase productivity. That means it's Ratpoison time again. :) A year has passed and we're still at version 1.4.0. Good! My ratpoisonrc will still work:

# .ratpoisonrc
# By Jason Gorski

# -- Display/interaction prefs
defpadding 0 0 0 0
defbarborder 0
defborder 0
defbarpadding 0 0 0 0
defwinliststyle column
defwingravity center
warp off
set resizeunit 50

# -- Bindings
escape C-t
bind Q quit
bind d only
definekey top s-h focusleft
definekey top s-j focusdown
definekey top s-k focusup
definekey top s-l focusright
definekey top s-semicolon prior
definekey top s-apostrophe next

# s is super, S is shift, M is meta
definekey top s-1 exec rpws 1
definekey top s-2 exec rpws 2
definekey top s-3 exec rpws 3
definekey top s-4 exec rpws 4

definekey top s-a exec gnome-terminal
definekey top s-M-a exec xterm
definekey top s-s exec firefox
definekey top s-d exec gmrun
#definekey top M-f exec ratbat

bind b exec ratpoison -d :0.0 -c "exec test -e 'currentbgs/widescreen.jpg' && feh --bg-scale 'currentbgs/widescreen.jpg'"

# -- One-time
exec rpws init 4

startup_message off
echo Ready...